DERO Virtual Machine

Dero Virtual Machine (DVM)

Dero Virtual Machine

The Dero Virtual Machine (DVM) is a critical component within the DERO blockchain ecosystem. It serves as the execution environment for DERO smart contracts. Similar to other blockchain virtual machines (such as Ethereum's EVM), the DVM enables the deployment and execution of decentralized applications (dApps) by processing smart contracts written in DVM Basic, a custom BASIC-style language specific to DERO.

DVM serves as the execution environment for smart contracts, enabling developers to build decentralized applications on the DERO blockchain while ensuring security, consistency, and interoperability within the network.

Dero Virtual Machine Features

Smart Contract Execution

The DVM executes smart contracts written in DVM Basic, allowing users to deploy and execute decentralized applications on the DERO blockchain.

DVM Basic Language

Smart contracts are written in DVM Basic, a custom BASIC-style language that resembles traditional BASIC but tailored for blockchain-based operations, featuring line numbers, basic arithmetic, conditionals, and storage manipulation.

State Management

The DVM manages the state changes of the blockchain through smart contract execution, including updating data in the blockchain, managing tokens, and executing logic according to predefined rules.


It ensures secure and consistent execution of smart contracts by providing deterministic behavior across all nodes in the network.

Blockchain Operations

The DVM interacts with the blockchain's consensus algorithm and verifies transactions, ensuring that the code is executed correctly and the state changes are applied uniformly across the network.

More about DVM-Basic here: Explaining DVM-Basic