Smart Contracts
Lottery Smart Contract

Lottery Smart Contract Guide

Dero Stargate DVM Smart Contracts guide to install and test various functions of the lottery Smart Contract.

  1. Download Dero Stargate testnet source and binaries.

  2. Start Dero daemon in testnet mode:

    ./derod-linux-amd64 --testnet
  3. Start Dero wallet in testnet:

    dero-wallet-cli-linux-amd64 --rpc-server --wallet-file testnet.wallet --testnet
  4. Start a second Dero wallet instance to test transfer/ownership functions, etc.:

    dero-wallet-cli-linux-amd64 --wallet-file testnet2.wallet --testnet --rpc-server --rpc-bind=
  5. Dero testnet Explorer:

    ./explorer-linux-amd64 --rpc-server-address --http-address=

Installing Smart Contract

curl --request POST --data-binary @lottery.bas

Download SC Code, Check Balance, and Variables from SC

curl -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"getsc","params":{"scid":"30b84e9ab5baeee7195e7e1ccb1f533b7402beb2d3cfa97216a6d80c01056f66", "code":true}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
curl -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"getsc","params":{"scid":"30b84e9ab5baeee7195e7e1ccb1f533b7402beb2d3cfa97216a6d80c01056f66", "code":false, "keysstring":["deposit_count"]}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Examples of Various Lottery Smart Contract Functions

Play Lottery

curl -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"scinvoke","params":{"sc_dero_deposit":200000,"scid":"30b84e9ab5baeee7195e7e1ccb1f533b7402beb2d3cfa97216a6d80c01056f66","sc_rpc":[{"name":"entrypoint","datatype":"S","value":"Lottery"}]}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Note: Every second deposit/play will trigger the lottery, and one wallet will win the lottery.

Withdraw Balance (Smart Contract Owner)

curl -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"scinvoke","params":{"scid":"30b84e9ab5baeee7195e7e1ccb1f533b7402beb2d3cfa97216a6d80c01056f66","sc_rpc":[{"name":"entrypoint","datatype":"S","value":"Withdraw"},{"name":"amount","datatype":"U","value":100000}]}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Transfer Ownership

curl -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"scinvoke","params":{"scid":"30b84e9ab5baeee7195e7e1ccb1f533b7402beb2d3cfa97216a6d80c01056f66","sc_rpc":[{"name":"entrypoint","datatype":"S","value":"TransferOwnership"},{"name":"newowner","datatype":"S","value":"detoAddressForOwnershipReceiver"}]}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Claim Ownership

curl -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"scinvoke","params":{"scid":"YourSCID","sc_rpc":[{"name":"entrypoint","datatype":"S","value":"ClaimOwnership"}]}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Update Code

curl -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"0","method":"scinvoke","params":{"scid":"YourSCID","sc_rpc":[{"name":"entrypoint","datatype":"S","value":"UpdateCode"},{"name":"code","datatype":"S","value":"new code should be
 placed here"}]}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'


/* Lottery Smart Contract in DVM-BASIC
This lottery smart contract will give lottery wins every xth try. */

Function Lottery(value Uint64) Uint64
    10 dim deposit_count,winner as Uint64
    20 LET deposit_count =  LOAD("deposit_count")+1
    25 IF value == 0 THEN GOTO 110  // if deposit amount is 0, simply return
    30 STORE("depositor_address" + (deposit_count-1), SIGNER()) // store address for later on payment
    40 STORE("deposit_total", LOAD("deposit_total") + value )
    50 STORE("deposit_count", deposit_count)
    60 IF LOAD("lotteryeveryXdeposit") > deposit_count THEN GOTO 110 // wait till X players join in
    70 LET winner  = RANDOM() % deposit_count // we have a winner
    80 SEND_DERO_TO_ADDRESS(LOAD("depositor_address" + winner) , LOAD("lotterygiveback")*LOAD("deposit_total")/10000)

    // Reinitialize for another round
    90 STORE("deposit_count", 0)   // initial players
    100 STORE("deposit_total", 0)  // total deposit of all players
    110 RETURN 0
End Function

// Function used to initialize parameters during install time
Function Initialize() Uint64
    10 STORE("owner", SIGNER())  // store in DB ["owner"] = address
    20 STORE("lotteryeveryXdeposit", 2)  // lottery rewards every X deposits
    30 STORE("lotterygiveback", 9900)  // lottery gives back 99% of deposits, 1% accumulated for owner to withdraw
    33 STORE("deposit_count", 0)  // initial players
    34 STORE("deposit_total", 0)  // total deposit of all players
    // 35 printf "Initialize executed"
    40 RETURN 0 
End Function

// Used to tune lottery parameters
Function TuneLotteryParameters(input Uint64, lotteryeveryXdeposit Uint64, lotterygiveback Uint64) Uint64
    10 dim key, stored_owner as String
    20 dim value_uint64 as Uint64
    30 IF LOAD("owner") == SIGNER() THEN GOTO 100 // check whether owner is real owner
    40 RETURN 1

    100 STORE("lotteryeveryXdeposit", lotteryeveryXdeposit)  // lottery rewards every X deposits
    130 STORE("lotterygiveback", value_uint64)  // lottery gives back in 1/10000 parts, granularity .01%
    140 RETURN 0 // return success
End Function

// Function used to change owner, owner is a string form of address
Function TransferOwnership(newowner String) Uint64 
    10 IF LOAD("owner") == SIGNER() THEN GOTO 30 
    20 RETURN 1
    30 STORE("tmpowner", ADDRESS_RAW(newowner))
    40 RETURN 0
End Function

// Until the new owner claims ownership, the existing owner remains the owner
Function ClaimOwnership() Uint64 
    10 IF LOAD("tmpowner") == SIGNER() THEN GOTO 30 
    20 RETURN 1
    30 STORE("owner", SIGNER()) // ownership claim successful
    40 RETURN 0
End Function

// If signer is the owner, withdraw any requested funds
Function Withdraw(amount Uint64) Uint64 
    10 IF LOAD("owner") == SIGNER() THEN GOTO 30 
    20 RETURN 1
    40 RETURN 0
End Function

// If signer is the owner, provide rights to update code anytime
Function UpdateCode(code String) Uint64 
    10 IF LOAD("owner") == SIGNER() THEN GOTO 30 
    20 RETURN 1
    30 UPDATE_SC_CODE(code)
    40 RETURN 0
End Function